Tryperion Partners
Niche real estate investment firm gains a fresh look for investor relations with Intralinks, saving time while sharpening its online image.
How does a six-person firm acquire, own, and manage more than $1.6 billion of real estate equity investments now valued in excess of $5 billion? With extreme efficiency and investment savvy.
Tryperion Partners, a private real estate investment firm that works with high net worth individuals and limited partnerships (LPs), is primarily responsible for deals worth $3-15 million of equity. It’s a sweet spot in the market where Tryperion is positioned to handle more deal flow than individual investors without significant competition from big institutions.
A key requirement throughout the lifecycle of any real estate investment is keeping clients informed with up-to-date investment statements and reports. But this was extremely cumbersome on Tryperion’s previous online investor portal as it wasn’t user-friendly and caused a lot of client frustration.
Jeffrey Karsh, Tryperion Co-Founder and Partner in charge of Acquisitions and Investor Relations, recalls, "Each month, I’d spend a couple of hours on the phone helping our investors use the portal or with the portal representative going through various technical and usability issues. Not only is that a waste of time for our clients and small staff, but it works against the positive image we want to present externally."
To improve their efficiency with regards to disseminating investment information to clients and enhance their overall online experience, Tryperion replaced its existing portal with Intralinks for Fund Reporting solution.
"We chose Intralinks because Intralinks is well respected in finance and known for its trusted and secure investment management solutions," says Karsh. "That strong reputation is not only reassuring for us, but it also increases our clients’ confidence and comfort when working with Tryperion."
Intralinks provides a convenient and trouble-free online portal for Tryperion’s clients to access capital calls, distribution notices, K-1 reports, capital account statements, tax forms, and many other important investment documents. In all, Tryperion manages approximately 300 to 400 documents in Intralinks for 39 LPs or their representatives.
With Intralinks, Tryperion streamlined its investor relations activities. The firm’s investor clients now have quick and easy access to all fund-related materials. Plus, Tryperion eliminated the hassle of wrestling with a trouble-prone portal and the tedious, time-consuming workaround of sending individual emails to investors. This resulted in substantial time savings.
"Time is one of our most valuable resources since we only have six people in our office," notes Karsh. "With Intralinks, we reduced the time required to disseminate investment documents from three or four hours on a monthly basis to a matter of minutes."
In addition, Tryperion uses Intralinks’ FileSplit tool to automatically create client specific reports from a single master document rather than generating separate individual reports, saving a tremendous amount of time.
Karsh explains, "With our previous portal, we had to manually put documents into each investor’s portal. But with Intralinks, I just upload the various documents once and FileSplit automatically sorts them out to each investor. It takes only a couple minutes and we’re done."
Most importantly, Intralinks makes it easy for Tryperion’s clients to find the investment information they need—reliably and securely.
"Clients don’t want to deal with a lot of hand-holding to figure out how to use our portal," Karsh says . "With Intralinks, they now have a portal that’s intuitive. We’ve actually had some clients who went out of their way to comment on how Intralinks is so easy to use and straightforward. But mostly we don’t hear anything, and that’s a good thing."
Tryperion’s investment prowess earned the firm a solid reputation for delivering value and prudence in its niche market. Now Tryperion has partnered with an online portal and now their investor relations efforts present the same values.
"Intralinks has certainly improved our credibility with clients," Karsh concludes. "It provides them with a professional tool that’s effective and efficient. That’s the kind of image we want to present online and in our everyday interactions with investors."